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Article published April 2019.

Online Cancer Support

A cancer support group has been set up on Facebook by the West Essex Cancer Support Team at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

Anyone affected by cancer can join this group. To join the group you will need a Facebook account; simply log onto Facebook and search for ‘West Essex Cancer Support’ under groups.

The private and confidential closed Facebook page offers:

  • Support and information to people affected by cancer in the local area;
  • A place where issues can be shared and discussed with other members of the group;
  • Online support with all stages of cancer; from diagnosis, through treatment, after treatment, living with cancer and beyond.

Darshani Mistry, Macmillan Cancer Information Manager said:

“Cancer can be very difficult for everyone that is involved, and we are always looking for new ways to support our patients and families.

“Our new Facebook group provides members with up-to date information about the support available to them within the local community and connects people with others in similar situations to their own.

“We would like to encourage anyone living in the west Essex area, affected by cancer to join our online support group.”

To speak to someone about Cancer support in west Essex or for more information please call 01279 698673.

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