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Article published March 2013.


South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s Open Arts team are running an Open Studio Day at the Studio House, Hadleigh at the Old Fire Station, High Street, Hadleigh, SS7 2PA. The Open Arts studio, along with local artists based at the House welcome the general public to drop in to meet the artists, find out about Open Arts and how art can benefit our wellbeing through self-expression.

The day runs from 10.00-14.00 on Friday 29 March and will include a display of artworks created by studio members, opportunity to buy hand-made cards with proceeds going to Open Arts, and a chance to take part in a sample printmaking session using our etching press. A friendly face and a cup of tea welcome you to come along.

Open Arts Studio is a development of the well-established Open Arts project which supports creativity for people with mental health needs. The studio is funded by Essex County Council and SEPT, working in partnership with ACAVA and Interact.

County Councillor Jeremy Lucas, Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Environment and Culture said: “The Open Arts project is thriving and it is positive to hear that so many artists are benefitting from the artistic skills and facilities at Hadleigh Old Fire Station.”

To find out more or sign up contact Kirsten at Open Arts or call 01277 312916. Look up


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