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Article published October 2015.

Open Arts Wins National Award

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (SEPT) community arts and health project, Open Arts, has won a national Positive Practice in Mental Health award.

Against stiff competition Open Arts won in the category of Art, Mental Health and wellbeing for promoting positive mental health through creativity for the second time in three years.

Open Arts offers 12-week visual and performing arts courses, and Open Studio provision.

One attendee at an Open Arts course commented: “I felt I was treated as an artist, not a person with mental health problems”

Carla Fourie, Associate Director for Social Care and Partnerships at SEPT commented: “We are extremely proud of the Open Arts project and when you see the beautiful artwork that is created from these sessions and the joy on the faces of our service users and carers, one can only agree that this project is just so worth it.”

Jo Keay, Open Arts Manager added: “We are absolutely delighted with the award and so very proud to have received it. We truly believe Open Arts changes lives and it is immensely gratifying to be recognised nationally in this way.

I would like to say a special thank you to Sue and Jackie, two of our six studio managers who travelled all the way to Newcastle to attend the ceremony and receive the award on behalf of everyone, and also to our volunteers who do so much for the project.

If you are interested in taking part in an Open Arts course call 07949 440 326 or email:

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