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Article published December 2013.

Open Arts Wins National Award (1)

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (SEPT) communty arts and health project, Open Arts, has won the national Positive Practice in Mental Health awards.

Entered under the category of Art, Mental Health and wellbeing, which attracted over 35 submissions, Open Arts won the award for demonstrating positive practice by supporting and encouraging the creative talents of people with mental health needs.

Open Arts offers 12-week visual and performing arts courses, and Open Studio provision. All Open Arts activities focus on art and the practical processes and experiences that surround art, as opposed to focusing on mental health needs.

A previous attendee of an Open Arts course commented: “I felt I was treated as an artist, not a person with mental health problems”

Having recently been awarded 2-year funding by the Big Lottery Reaching Communities fund, Open Arts will be offering more courses in a venue near you soon.

If you are interested in taking part in an Open Arts course call 01277 312916 or email:


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