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Article published August 2013.

Opening of Cancer Information Kiosk at Princess Alexandra Hospital

A new Macmillan cancer information kiosk was officially opened at Princess Alexandra Hospital today.

The information kiosk in the Williams Day Unit at Princess Alexandra Hospital is a joint initiative between South Essex Partnership University NHS Trust (SEPT), The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust and Macmillan cancer support.

Jules Martin, Chief Operating Officer at Princess Alexandra says: “This is another of our initiatives to improve our patient experience.

“Having the right information coupled with the right care for our cancer patients is so important and we are pleased we can host this new facility at our hospital.”

Patients at the day unit will now be able to access a wide range of information and advice from help with the cost of cancer to respite care.  The trained volunteers working under the Macmillan Information Manager will also signpost to community services, voluntary organisations and support groups who can provide further help.

Pam Sabine, Director of Integrated Services at SEPT said: “We know how important it is for anyone affected by cancer to have access to vital information and support when they need it most.

“This information kiosk is a great example of community services, hospitals and the voluntary sector working together. However, we would not be able to offer this service without the dedication of our wonderful volunteers, so a huge thank you goes to everyone who is giving their time to make this project possible”

Jo van Tijn, Macmillan Development Manager, said: “Over 10,000 people are living with and beyond cancer in West Essex, and this number is predicted to double by 2030.   Those affected by cancer tell us that, at diagnosis, their whole life is in turmoil.  Even after treatment, people can still require considerable support, sometimes years afterwards.  It is vital that people can easily access support and information.  This service works across West Essex, and it is fantastic that it now has a hub within the hospital.  Macmillan believes no one should face cancer alone and with services like this, which we have developed in partnership with SEPT and Princess Alexandra Hospital, we are to be there for more people affected by cancer.”

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