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Article published August 2016.

Patients and staff welcome Felix & Fifi

Patients staying at Mayfield and Meadowview Ward, Thurrock Hospital, Essex have been purring with delight at their new visitors; JustoCats, Felix and Fifi the robotic cats.

The cats, who originate from Sweden, purr and meows like any normal cat, however they have been designed to offer comfort, pleasure and peace of mind to people suffering with dementia. They also come with the added benefit of not making any mess and detachable fur that can even be put in the washing machine, unlike their real-life counterparts.

Dee Susans, Senior Sister said; “Felix and Fifi’s role on the ward is to work with people who are lonely and who want to engage with others, but who struggle with personal contact due to their illness. Felix and Fifi remind them of being at home as they react in the same way as the family cat would to a lot of love and attention.

“They are warm and gentle and purr when stroked and if you ignore them they meow to remind you that they want you to talk to them – just like a normal cat, but they have the advantage of not getting upset if the person stroking them has forgotten how to be gentle with them.”

Sally Morris, Chief Executive, said; “I am delighted our JustoCats, Felix and Fifi, have been so warmly welcomed by patients and staff. We have seen an improvement with communication and enthusiasm from patients, which is thanks to our robotic, feline friends."

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