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Article published June 2020.

Patients and staff work together to create stunning graffiti angel

A huge graffiti angel has been created by staff and patients at a mental health unit run by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

Patients and occupational therapists have worked together to create the three-metre tall installation to brighten up the outdoor space at Brockfield House in Runwell, Chelmsford.

Patients from every ward were invited to build the angel’s colourful wings using stencils and spray paints before adding finer details.

Kelly Burgess, Senior Occupational Therapist, said: “My colleagues and I were inspired to create this graffiti to give our patients the opportunity to take part in some art therapy but also to thank our fellow colleagues for their dedication during this challenging time.

“Our patients really enjoyed getting involved and love seeing the finished design as they walk by, knowing they were part of its creation.”

Andy Brogan, Executive Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive at EPUT, said: “It is always a pleasure to see what amazing art work patients can achieve with the support of our occupational therapists.

“This project has not only gone some way to improving the outdoor environment, but has also provoked a sense of pride and ownership in patients at having played a part in creating something so special.”

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