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Article published October 2014.

Patients at Brockfield House Win Prestigious Art Awards

The creative minds of artistic patients at Brockfield House hospital have been recognised by the Koestler Trust after five pieces of artwork have won awards.
The Koestler Trust is the UK's best-known prison arts charity. Who have been awarding, exhibiting and selling artworks by offenders, detainees and secure patients for over 50 years.

The Koestler Awards programme aims to provide inmates with a positive goal they can work towards as well as new skills and an outlet for creative emotion. At this year’s awards ceremony they received a record-breaking 8,789 pieces of writing, music, film, fine art and design of entries.

From Brockfield House, one patient’s woodcraft piece, entitled ‘Pianist’, scooped a Gold award and other patients won two Highly Commended awards, and one Platinum award for ceramic and printmaking entries.

Brockfield House is run by South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT).

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at SEPT said: “I was thrilled to attend the annual Koestler Awards last Thursday (16 October). The Koestler Awards and London exhibition are very important events in the calendar for many patients within secure care.

“I would like to congratulate all our patients who entered the awards and those patients who went on to win!”

From the submissions around 230 examples of visual art, audio, film and writing will be displayed to the public until 30 November at London’s Royal Festival Hall. For further information about the exhibition visit


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