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Article published December 2020.

Perinatal mental health expert delivers international training course

An expert in perinatal mental health from Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has delivered international training to enhance the knowledge of colleagues caring for new and expectant mothers with mental health problems.

Dr Rina Gupta, a perinatal psychiatrist, led a virtual three-day training programme to midwives, psychologists and psychiatrists from Malta.

She said: “Pregnancy and becoming a new mum can be a difficult time for some women, putting them at risk of developing mental health difficulties.

“Perinatal mental health services are all about helping mums and their families to have safe, healthy pregnancies and supportive postnatal experiences.”

Dr Gupta, who works across the Trust’s Rainbow Mother and Baby Unit and community perinatal mental health services, delivered the course as part of her role as executive committee member of the Faculty of Perinatal Psychiatry at the Royal college of Psychiatrists.

She led a series of presentations, workshops and discussions about supporting mums, mums-to-be and their families throughout pregnancy and in the early days of their child’s life. She was joined by Salena Holmes, perinatal nursing manager at EPUT, and other healthcare colleagues from London.

Dr Ethel Felice, a lead consultant in perinatal psychiatry from Malta, took part in the training. She said: “The training was a learning experience for us all. It gave us the opportunity to reflect on our own practice with the ultimate aim of improving the services we offer to mothers, fathers and babies.’”

EPUT provides a perinatal mental health service across Essex that offers community and inpatient treatment and support. The service is open to mums and mums-to-be who are experiencing mental health difficulties or who have done so in the past.

You can find out more about the service here.

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