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Article published May 2020.

Perinatal mental health nurses treated to beautiful new workwear during Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week and specialist community teams at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) are working to ensure new and expectant mums continue to get the support they need.

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the community-based Perinatal Mental Health Service is still supporting women across Essex, and is even managing to spread a little cheer in the process.

Thanks to a generous donation of Liberty London fabric from the iconic London store and a kind-hearted team of volunteer seamstresses, the team has been treated to beautiful new scrub-type workwear.

The floral patterned trousers and tops are designed to wear over the team’s clothing but they also hope they will help to bring some extra colour and warmth to their work with mums and their babies. The team continues to wear appropriate personal protective equipment where needed.

The perinatal mental health team provides specialist treatment for new and expectant mums struggling with their mental health.

Caroline Bogle, Perinatal Mental Health Service Manager at EPUT, said: “Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week is a campaign dedicated to talking about maternal mental illness during and after pregnancy. This year’s campaign is focused on supporting mums during difficult times.

“Becoming a new mum can be a wonderful experience but it can also be a difficult and lonely time perhaps even more so during this period of social isolation.

“I would like to use this opportunity to reassure any new and expectant mums who are struggling that we are open and ready to help. We have adapted how we deliver our services during this time so that we can continue to ensure that women receive care and support in a safe way and at a time when they may need it most.

“I would like to thank Liberty London for the very generous donation of fabric and the Chelmsford-based volunteers who lovingly sewed the garments for our community teams.

“If you are a new or expectant mum struggling with your emotional wellbeing, or are worried about a pre-existing condition, please do ask for help. Your GP, Midwife or Health Visitor can help to make a referral to us and also let you know about other support available in your area.”

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