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Remembrance Day 2023

One of our staff who used to be in the Army has explained why Remembrance Day is important to him.

Mental Health Act Manager Kevin Russell has been working at EPUT since 2006 and his job is to support the Trust in the use and implementation of the Mental Health Act.

Before his employment at EPUT he was a combat medical technician in the Royal Army Medical Corps and was in the army for five years.

Kevin, who is based at Brockfield House in Wickford, said: “I think it’s a really important day. Remembrance Day is the day when as a Nation we collectively fall silent and remember those who paid the ultimate price and never came home, those who came home wounded, and those who served.

“We also think of those on operations now, deployed away from their families. It's a chance to remember those who have lost someone, the families left behind.

“It is a chance to show thanks for all who served before and those that serve still and a chance to reflect on the human cost of conflict.”

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