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Article published June 2015.

Saffron Community Hospital Celebrate Nurses Day

Staff at Saffron Walden Community Hospital celebrated this year’s nurse’s day taking a step back in time; looking at the history of past nurses at Saffron Walden Hospital and the hospitals in Saffron Walden. The staff put on a display using old photos and archived information about past nurses and the hospital, the display featured the most celebrated English social reformer and founder of modern nursing Florence Nightingale.

The display was open to members of the public and staff alike and attracted much attention. The staff also held a raffle that was generously supported by many local businesses who donated prizes for the raffle. The raffle was a great success and support generated from it raised over £580.

Staff Nurse, Melanie Grout said “We wanted Nurses Day to be a celebration of the work we do, it is quite incredible looking back at the history of the hospital and made everyone realise just how much nursing has evolved since the days of Florence Nightingale.

“We would like to thank everyone that visited the display and supported the raffle; the money raised will be used in the department for health promotion resources.”


Pictured: Celebrating nurse’s day, left to right is Aideen Ievers (Student Nurse), Melanie Grout (Staff Nurse), Suzanne Haddock (HCA) and Stephanie Honour (Sister).

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