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Article published September 2013.


Sally Morris has started her first day in her new role as Chief Executive of South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT), formally taking up the position on 8 October 2013, taking over from former Chief Executive Dr Patrick Geoghegan OBE..

Sally has been involved with mental health and learning disability services for a number of years, ranging from consultancy work when in the private sector to director of mental health commissioning at South Essex Health Authority and lead for mental health at the Essex Strategic Health Authority. She has a history of partnership working with Local Authorities, the voluntary sector and other NHS Trusts. She is a chartered accountant and has held senior posts in acute, community and primary care organisations.

Sally Morris was appointed following a rigorous and robust recruitment process. The Trust engaged the services of independent recruitment consultants and advertised the post nationally. The interview process included informal meetings with key stakeholders – members of the Board, medical / clinical staff, governors, as well as patients, service users and carers. These were followed by a formal interview with a panel comprising the Trust Chair, Non-Executive Directors and an external independent assessor with the Trust’s Lead Governor in attendance. The decision to appoint the successful candidate was then approved by the Council of Governors.

Sally says of her new appointment “I am pleased to be taking over at an exciting time for the Trust. I believe we are well placed to face the challenges ahead and I look forward to working alongside my colleagues as we continue to deliver the safe, high quality services we are renowned for and I believe this is one of the most exciting leadership roles in the NHS”.

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