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Article published September 2013.


South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s (SEPT) south East Essex Immunisation Team have been chosen by the Department of Health (DH) to be one of seven national sites testing and piloting the Fluenz vaccination programme to all primary school children aged 4 – 11. SEPT is also working closely with Public Health England, NHS England and the DH to inform the wider role out of the programme.

It is a huge but exciting undertaking that will involve up to 33,000 eligible children across Southend, Castle Point and Rochford. The vaccination is via a nasal spray which is easily administered. All children within this age range will be offered the vaccination at school with a number of community sessions set up for those children who were unable to have the vaccination at school.

On 16th September the first children from two schools in the area received the vaccination. The sessions were very well received with children enjoying receiving a certificate and bug buster. The team will test a number of delivery models which will include administration by nurses, nursery nurses and self-administration. 

Theresa Smith, SEPT Director of Integrated Services- Children, young people and Families said “The national flu vaccination programme is being extended to include all children. The aim is to reduce the impact of seasonal flu in children and reduce transmission of flu within the community. The programme started locally on Monday 16 September and will finish the first week in January. To date we have had a very positive response from parents and children”.

For more information about the programme, contact the Immunisation Team on 01702 220181.


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