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Article published November 2014.

SEPT Hospitals Well PLACEd In National Average

The cleanliness and patient environments at South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) hospitals and inpatient units are above the national average, according to an audit carried out by patients and staff.

SEPT has welcomed the positive results from the Patient Led Assessment Care Environment (PLACE) report. A key aspect of the PLACE report is the increased involvement of patient assessors - individuals who represent users of healthcare services rather than providers. The aim is to provide a snapshot of how the hospitals’ patient environment and non-clinical support services such as cleaning and catering, impact on patient care.

This includes assessing the condition, appearance and maintenance of the premises; the extent to which the environment allows for privacy and dignity during care; and the quality and availability of food and drink.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at SEPT said: “We are thrilled with the results of this year’s PLACE audit. It’s great to know that we are above the national average in so many of our hospitals and inpatient units. The PLACE audits are an important tool for the Trust. The overall experience of being a patient in our hospitals is made up of much more than the clinical and nursing care that is provided. The PLACE audit allows us to see where our strengths and weaknesses lie, so we can make the necessary improvements for our patients.”

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