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Article published May 2013.


South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) has been accredited by NHS Employers as a PFD (Positive, Fair and Diverse) organisation for 2013/14.

Organisational award winners have demonstrated by further embedding the PFD values into the workplace. The criteria was about selecting those winners who have been working to make the NHS a more personal, fair and diverse workplace for everyone, and having the PFD values at the heart of everything they do. This is determined against a number of measurable indicators which demonstrates measurable achievement through the undertaking of a self-assessment that identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as continuous improvement around equality and diversity issues throughout the Trust.

Dr Patrick Geoghegan OBE, SEPT Chief Executive, said: “This is excellent news just as we celebrate Equality and Diversity week in the trust. The fact that SEPT has been chosen as one of only four organisations by NHS employers to receive an organisational award for equality and diversity is a real coup for us and I look forward to working with NHS Employers and sharing our best practice locally and nationally throughout the NHS and wider public sector”.

Dean Royles, Director of the NHS Employers organisation, said:

"If you believe in the NHS you know that equality and diversity are essential to its success. Employers recognise the value of supporting staff from all backgrounds and understand the need to be responsive to the communities they serve. The NHS is making really good progress promoting equality and diversity. We know that unacceptable practice can have a negative impact on patient care and we need to take a zero tolerance approach to it.

Each organisation has worked hard to ensure that equality and diversity is becoming part of the fabric of their organisation".


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