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Article published May 2014.

SEPT Launches Safer Staffing Boards

To mark International Nurses Day South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust has launched the Safer Staffing initiative across the Trust.

Safer Staffing Boards are being installed on all in-patient wards in SEPT, which detail the number of staff expected and those actually present for each shift. These will be visible to both patients and visitors alike and provide details of who is in charge of each shift.

Research demonstrates that staffing levels are linked to the safety of care and that staff shortfalls increase the risks of patient harm and poor quality care.

Andy Brogan, Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality said: “The new boards will give patients clear information about how many members of staff are available to offer them care.”

“Our nurses do a fantastic job and this simple move will allow us to enhance safety and provide a better experience for both patients and staff”.

The boards also provide details of staff uniforms so that patients can have a clear idea of who is caring for them.

The scheme has launched as part of NHS England and the Care Quality Commission’s guidance on the delivery of publishing staffing data regarding nursing, midwifery and care staff levels.

The Trust Board will receive monthly details of staffing on a shift by shift basis, identifying where wards are falling short of providing quality care and will allow for better contingency planning.

Monthly staffing reports will be published on NHS Choices and the Trust’s website at

Pictured: Andy Brogan, Executive Director of Clinical Governance & Quality with Andy Ward, Clinical Nurse Specialist.

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