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Article published February 2013.


Join South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) at a public meeting to find out about safeguarding in south Essex. 

The meeting is being held on Wednesday 13 March 2013 on 2nd floor of Gateway Building, University of Essex, Southend Campus, Elmer Approach, Southend-on-Sea SS1 1LW. 

The meeting starts at 13:15 and will finish by 15:00; light refreshments will be available from 12:45 and there will be the opportunity to provide feedback on SEPT services and make suggestions for improvements.

At this meeting attendees will also have the opportunity to find out about the role of your Governor and give feedback on our services and suggestions for improvements.

Please encourage your friends, colleagues and family to come along to what promises to be an interesting and informative event. 

Please contact the Trust Secretary’s office on free phone: 0800 023 2059 or email: to confirm attendance, and advise any special requirements.



Elliott Spiteri, on 01268 739758 or email

 More Information about SEPT

With an annual turnover of approximately £350m South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) is one of the most successful Foundation Trusts in the country providing integrated care including mental health, learning disability, social care and community services.

We provide these services across Bedfordshire, Essex and Luton and Suffolk, employ approximately 7,000 people and serve a population of 2.5 million. We work with a wide range of partner organisations to deliver care and support to people in their own homes and from a number of hospital and community based premises. We have many modern community based resource centres and clinics to provide local services to local people where possible.

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