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Article published February 2015.

SEPT Staff Survey Results In Top 20%

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) is very proud to announce our results in this year’s national staff survey.

Almost all of our scores are either average or above, and this is an improvement on the previous year. Our results show that our staff feel they are able to contribute towards improvements at work, have confidence in our services as a place for their family and friends to be treated and they feel engaged and motivated in their work.

A very high proportion of our scores are in the top performing 20% of the country and our engagement score shows that the uptake is also within the top 20% of other trusts in this sector which is consistent with our 2013 results. It is important to note that during an unsettled year our engagement score remains higher than the national picture across the sector and especially significant in a year where there had been a fall in the engagement scores across the country.

SEPT Chief Executive, Sally Morris, said: “I want to thank each and every member of staff who took the time to complete this survey. We are proud that our above average response rates show that our staff took the time to participate in the survey and that the results demonstrate their dedication and commitment to the quality services they provide. The results are a positive reflection of our Trust and show that staff feel supported and safe within the organisation.”



Our top 5 ranking areas are:

staff having Equality &Diversity training in the last 12 months

staff motivation at work

staff having appraisal in last 12 months

staff feeling there are career progression opportunities within the Trust

staff having Health and Safety training in the last 12 months


We are in the top 20% for


-health and safety training

-stress levels

-bullying and harassment from staff

-ability to contribute towards improvements at work

-job satisfaction and motivation

-effective team working

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