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Article published October 2013.

SEPT Volunteer Runner-Up at East Of England Carers Awards

South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (SEPT) volunteer Joyce Culling has been awarded ‘runner up’ in Great East of England Care Awards 2013 in the ‘Unpaid Carers Award’ Category.

Joyce is SEPT’s lead Carer (volunteer) Tutor for Carers courses, and the more recently co-developed ‘Your Health, Your Life’  SEPT’s new self-management course for carers.

Joyce said “I had no idea I had been nominated for this award – it was a complete surprise. I do what I do to improve the role carers undertake and to make the caring role others undertake easier than the one I found myself adjusting to. I wish to thank everyone who has supported me so far and whilst I am disappointed not to have won this category I am over the moon with the confidence that has been shown in me and my volunteering role to make a difference”.

Stephen Rabbitts, SEPT’s Carers Operational Lead nominated Joyce for the award. He says:

“Joyce goes above and beyond the role of a volunteer tutor, despite her caring role and own health conditions she helps those who are suffering the same fears, anxieties and worries that she too went through not only delivering courses, but assisting with training new tutors. Joyce also delivers awareness training to staff on how to recognise carers and what it’s like through the eyes of a carer. Joyce is an active voice of the carer and in this ever changing service we have recently designed a new self-management course for our Carers. Joyce has been very instrumental in launching this helping to write the programme, offering suggestions for topics and completing research to back her findings. She is valued by carers and professionals alike and I’m delighted she has been shortlisted for this award”.

The results were announced on 25 October 2013 at the Peterborough Arena, East of England Showground, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

To find out more about the awards visit  .


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