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Article published February 2020.

Share the love for our charity this Valentine's Day

This Valentine’s Day, Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) is launching a campaign encouraging everyone to share the love for its charity.

Charitable Funds aims to enhance patient experience by raising money to help us provide the best possible care.

Voluntary donations from members of the public and our staff help us finance ‘little extras’ that make the care our patients receive that bit more special.

In previous years, Charitable Funds has helped develop therapy gardens at mental health wards, pay for recreational equipment and finance music therapy sessions for service users.

Today we’re launching a campaign to raise awareness of Charitable Funds and encourage residents across Essex to get involved and help make a difference to those in need.

Over the next 12 months we will be sharing inspiring stories about how our staff and members of the public have raised money for the charity and how that money has been used to provide more for the patients in our care.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive, said: “Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust provides mental and community health services which are funded by central government.

“We strive to offer the highest quality service and there are many ways in which voluntary donations can help us provide that little bit more to enhance the care we offer. Those ‘little extras’ make a huge difference, not just to our patients but to their families, carers and loved ones.

“We receive donations from former patients and their families who want to say thank you for the care they have received and have some fantastic staff who raise money by completing sky dives, long distance runs and more.

“Charitable Funds relies on donations like these to keep going so if you are planning a sponsored challenge of some kind, please consider supporting EPUT’s Charitable Funds.”

For more information about Charitable Funds and how to donate, visit the Charitable Funds page of our website.

You can follow our campaign by liking our Facebook and Twitter channels @EPUTNHS and following #EPUTCharity

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