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Article published February 2013.


Who’s your NHS Hero? Who do you know who has gone the extra mile or ‘ploughed through’ to provide exceptional care this winter? Don’t let your chance to say thank you drift away!

Snow them how much you appreciate them with a nomination as your NHS Hero this winter….

This winter has been particularly challenging for NHS staff, with outbreaks of norovirus and flu, and adverse weather conditions hitting most parts of Essex putting hospitals, GP practices and ambulance services under a great deal of pressure.

Recent snow and icy conditions have brought parts of Essex to a standstill with school and road closures, flight cancellations and people unable to leave home ….but stopping isn’t an option for NHS staff, they have no choice but to plough through.  No matter the weather conditions, NHS staff and teams go above and beyond their call of duty day in, day out to make sure you get the care you need, when you need it - without the expectation of acknowledgement or a thank you.

The NHS Heroes campaign is your chance to give a little back by saying thank you, it gives everyone in England the chance to acknowledge the NHS staff that have been their heroes this winter; patients, their friends and families, work colleagues and professional peers can all nominate their personal NHS Heroes.

SEPT Chief Executive, Patrick Geoghegan, OBE said; “This winter we have seen just how inspirational our staff are, it is because of their determination and spirit that patients have continued to be able to access the care they need.  We know there are countless NHS Heroes out there – so we are expecting a blizzard of nominations.”

Completing a nomination will only take a few minutes of your time, but the pride of being nominated will stay with your hero forever.

The last NHS Heroes campaign saw Jenny Oddman, employment specialist at South Essex Partnership NHS Trust recognised as an NHS Hero.

Jenny’s nominator gave the following reason for her nomination: “Jenny helped me back into work after a mental breakdown. With her help I was able to successfully retain my employment and gain part time hours. Her help has been a God send. She gave me a reason to get up in the morning! Jenny isn't just my employment advisor she feels like a friend and it will be a sad day when my time with the service ends. I feel that everyone needs a Jenny! Having just one person who believes in me has changed my life forever. I can't thank her enough.”

With your help we want to find more amazing stories like these and celebrate our NHS Heroes this winter. So spread the word about this fantastic campaign and help it snowball!

Don’t miss your chance to nominate this winter, visit and remember - you don’t need to save lives to be a hero, sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference.


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