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Article published December 2019.

South East Community Heart Failure Service wins national award

A heart failure service run by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has won a national award recognising the quality of care and treatment it provides.

The South East Community Heart Failure Service received the team award from The Pumping Marvellous Foundation, one of the UK’s leading heart failure charities, after being nominated by a patient.

The team of 9 nurses, based at Leigh Primary Care Centre, assess and manage the care of patients diagnosed with heart failure across Castle Point, Rochford and Southend areas.

They work closely with patients to help them understand the diagnosis, manage symptoms and ensure they receive appropriate treatments to help avoid hospital admissions where possible.

The award, which recognises the positive impact health professionals have in the community, was a complete surprise to the team who had no idea they had been nominated by a patient they have been supporting for a number of years.

The patient, known as Bill, said: “The team looks after me wonderfully and are honest about what’s going on. I love them to bits.”

Janet Gawthorp, Lead Nurse on the team, said: “The award was a complete surprise to us and we are very proud to have received it especially as this team award is only presented to one team across the UK every year.

“I would like to thank the patient who took the time to nominate us. It is lovely to hear such kind things said about the team and it’s wonderful to know that we are making a difference to him.’’

“Being presented with this award has made our Christmas and the beautiful trophy received is now being proudly displayed in our office.”

Simon Williams, Director of Partnerships and Integration for Castle Point and Rochford CCG, said: “This national award is very much deserved by a team that has been so dedicated over a sustained period of time and the recognition means even more when nominated by a patient.

“I send my congratulations to all involved in improving safe and high quality patient care locally.”

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