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Article published October 2019.

Staff help protect patients by having flu jab

Every year frontline and support staff are offered the jab for free as part of EPUT’s flu campaign which aims to prevent staff catching the virus and passing it on to their patients, families and colleagues.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive of EPUT, kicked off the campaign by having her vaccination.

“We encourage all of our staff to have the flu vaccination not only to protect themselves but also their patients, families and colleagues,” she said.

“Flu is very infectious and easily spread so our clinical staff have a responsibility to help keep their patients healthy too.”

More than 80 clinical members of staff have been trained to take on the role of ‘peer vaccinators’ and administer jabs to staff at a series of flu clinics across the Trust between now and Christmas.

Public Health England recommends all frontline health workers have the vaccination to protect them from flu and prevent the transmission of it to other clinical staff and patients.

EPUT provides community health, mental health and learning disability services for a population of approximately 1.3 million people throughout Essex and parts of Bedfordshire, Suffolk and Luton.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive,  added: “Our staff come into contact with thousands of members of the public every day so we’re also asking residents to think about having their flu jab too.

“It could help protect our doctors, nurses, therapists, psychologists and other clinical staff who provide vital services across Essex and beyond.”

The flu jab is most effective if administered before the start of the flu season which is usually between December and March.

It is offered free of charge on the NHS to people who are at risk of flu and its complications.

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