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Staff put their best feet forward to raise money for Cancer Research

Seven members of our staff have put their best feet forward and completed the Race for Life to raise money for cancer research.

Team members from the Specialist Community Forensic Team took part in the fundraising event, organised by charity Cancer Research UK, in Brentwood on May 20 and they raised £950.

Specialist Community Forensic Team Service Manager, Gemma Leigh, who took part along with members of her team, said: “We wanted to all take part as a team to raise money for charity and felt it would be good as a way of building rapport within the team by collaboratively working together irrespective of individual goals or circumstances and ultimately to have a good day out.

“Cancer has affected us all in many ways, we have watched loved ones go through their recovery and some have been taken away from us to soon.  It brought the team in unity with each other and gave us a goal to look forward to, helping to raise further awareness and funds to help find a cure and eradicate the disease.

“We all had such great fun on the day and cheered each other on. It was a great feeling getting over the finish line."

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