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Article published August 2015.

Take it to the Top

People in Bedfordshire are being urged to ‘Take it to the Top’ and share their views about NHS South Essex Partnership Trust (SEPT) services.

An upcoming meeting is taking place to give patients, carers and members of the public a chance to speak directly to the Chief Executive and Directors from SEPT.

Sally Morris, Chief Executive at SEPT said: “SEPT is run locally and we want to work closely with the local community to develop services in a way that best suits the needs of local people.

“There are already many ways people can give us their views including events, surveys and via social media, but we also recognise how important it is for us to get out into communities, so please come and share your views with us!”

People's comments about their experiences of healthcare will be treated anonymously, although those wanting to find out what action has been taken in response to their views can provide their contact details should they choose to.

The event takes place;

  • Wednesday 2 September, 19:00 – 21:00 at Priory Methodist Church, 63 Newham Avenue, Bedford, MK41 9QJ

Admission is free and refreshments provided. Admission will be limited so if you would you like to find out more about the events please book your place by calling Freephone 0800 085 7935 or emailing

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