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Article published April 2020.

Teenager gives up his spare time to help frontline staff

A teenager is giving up his spare time to help make life a little easier for frontline staff at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

Daniel Reeve, 15, is creating clips to help make the wearing of protective masks more comfortable for frontline staff.

So far he has created almost 400 using a 3D printer at his home in Felixstowe.

Daniel, an Army Cadet with the Felixstowe Detachment, came up with the idea to help his cadet unit instructor David Powell who also works as a clinical nurse specialist at EPUT.

David is the regional lead for the Midlands and East Veterans’ Transition, Liaison and Intervention Service (TILS), based at The Lakes mental health unit in Colchester.

He has been arranging for the clips to be delivered to frontline staff across the Trust.

The clips help relieve pressure behind the ears by holding the mask in position around the back of the head.

David Powell said: “I’m very proud of Daniel for choosing to spend his spare time doing something to help others. He has made an amazing contribution and my colleagues and I are very grateful.”

Daniel Reeve said: “I heard about other people who were using 3D printers to make things to help healthcare workers and thought I could help too. I’m pleased the clips are being put to good use and helping doctors and nurses working on wards.”

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