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Article published November 2018.

The Sky is no limit for Recovery College

A member of staff at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) took to the skies to raise funds for the Trust’s Recovery College at Brockfield House.

Sharon Ryan, Service Improvement Manager completed a tandem sky dive from 13,000 feet. During the sky dive, Sharon reached speeds of up to 120 mph.

Sharon has so far raised £775, exceeding her target of £500. The Recovery College is run for patients so that they can learn new skills while they are being treated and cared for in a secure environment.

The courses are run by staff as well as patients with learning options ranging from yoga, languages, football, cooking and many more.

Sharon said: “I have always wanted to do a sky dive but haven’t had the opportunity until now so I decided to go for it. Working on the Recovery College I witnessed first-hand the enthusiasm and dedication of the patients and staff which has enabled it to be such a success, but I also could see how limited their budget is and how much difference it could make to be able to buy in some supplies and courses, and this seemed an ideal opportunity to do something about that. The support I have received from my colleagues at EPUT has been amazing! I didn’t realise when I started on this journey how big an impact it would have. I am so very grateful to everyone who has championed my cause and for all the sponsors I have received – I am up to £775 and the sponsors are still coming in.”

Andy Brogan, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director of mental Health at EPUT said: “Congratulations to Sharon Ryan for being so brave and completing a sky dive! I am sure that our patients who make use of the Recovery College will appreciate her efforts. All the money that Sharon has raised will go towards buying equipment that are not covered by NHS funding to support the learning and development of our patients at the Recovery College.”

Sometimes the Trust receives donations from patients, carers, and the general public. These voluntary donations go a long way towards paying for items that are not covered by NHS funding. EPUT’s charitable fund registration number is 1053793.

Donations can be given for a designated team, service or ward or given for general charitable purposes within the Trust.

If you are interested in donating money or raising funds for the Trust, please visit:

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