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Article published June 2020.

Trevor Smith appointed as new finance chief at EPUT

Trevor Smith has been appointed as EPUT’s new executive chief finance officer and resources officer (CFO).

He will join the Trust in the autumn from his current post at The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAH).

Trevor has worked as a director of finance in health and social care for more than twenty years, in commissioning and provider organisations. He is currently deputy chief executive and chief finance officer at PAH, where his portfolio includes finance, procurement, information governance and IT.

In his new role Trevor will be responsible for oversight of EPUT’s financial management and business development, as well as IT, information governance, estates and facilities.

Trevor said of his new appointment: “I am delighted to be joining EPUT. I am very much looking forward to working with the teams and services across the organisation together with our health and care partners.

“With mental health high on everyone’s agenda and the role of community NHS services also in sharp focus as we continue to meet the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic I am excited to have the opportunity to take up these new challenges with the EPUT team.”

Paul Scott, who will take up his appointment as EPUT’s new chief executive officer in the autumn, said, “I am delighted that I will be welcoming Trevor to the EPUT family.

“Trevor brings a commitment to the NHS and its values demonstrated over a successful career of delivery and innovation. Most recently he has been instrumental in the financial and quality improvements at Princess Alexander Hospital, Harlow, as well as securing funding for a rebuild of the hospital. After a short time in local government, Trevor started his NHS career as Deputy, and then Director of Finance, of a mental health and community trust and so is well versed in the needs of EPUT.

“I know Trevor will be committed to supporting colleagues to continue to improve services to our population.”

EPUT’s outgoing CFO, Mark Madden, will be retiring in October, having joined the former South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust in 2014, been CFO at EPUT since it was formed in 2017, and after 28 years of working in the NHS.

Sally Morris, chief executive officer, said: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mark for his years of diligent service to the NHS. He has been a vital and valued member of my executive management team since 2013 when I became Chief Executive of one of our predecessor organisations, and will be missed by many of our staff who hold him in very high regard.

“I am pleased that Trevor’s appointment has been secured well in advance of both Mark and my retirement later this year; this means that both our new CFO and CEO will be in post before we leave and ensure a smooth transition.

“We look forward to welcoming Trevor to the EPUT team.”

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