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Article published February 2021.

Vaccination campaign continues at speed with another vaccination centre launching in Essex

The rapid roll out of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Essex continues with the launch of another large centre in Walton-on-the-Naze today (Thursday 25 February).

The Columbine Centre - a leisure and community hub in the heart of Walton-on-the-Naze – is the tenth vaccination centre to be opened by EPUT across Essex and Suffolk in the last six weeks offering another vital site for the community to receive their Covid vaccination.

Jerry Wedge, Town Clerk of Frinton and Walton Town Council, said: “We are really pleased to be working in conjunction with the NHS to open this new large vaccination centre. It will be a fantastic boost for the community, there has been lots of interest in a vaccination centre for the town and we are very happy that it is now opening.”

The NHS vaccination programme is moving at speed, with people aged 65 and over and an expanded group of clinically vulnerable people now able to have the vaccine - this week people aged 64 are also being called to book their jab.

Dr Ed Garratt, Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System (ICS) Executive Lead said: “The opening of the Columbine Centre is excellent news and will really allow our system to ramp up the vaccination process for local people and communities across north east Essex.  These vaccination centres are in addition to the GP vaccination sites and pharmacies that are already vaccinating the population we serve.  We are making strong progress in vaccinating our priority cohorts and the opening of this new centre will assist us even further.”

Nigel Leonard, Executive Director of Strategy and Transformation at Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), which is coordinating the vaccination centres across Suffolk and North East Essex and Mid and South Essex, said: “The vaccination programme is continuing to accelerate locally thanks to the hard work and dedication of our fantastic staff, volunteers and partners. I urge everyone currently eligible to have a vaccine to book as soon as possible."

Anyone who is 65 and over can book online to go to the Walton on the Naze vaccination centre at or by calling 119.  Alternatively, they can choose a community pharmacy or wait to be contacted by their local GP-led vaccination service.

The NHS is urging people only to come to the vaccination centre if they have a booked appointment and to arrive no more than five minutes before their booking.

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