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Article published May 2019.

Visitors from Mongolia

A delegation of 15 nurses from Mongolia celebrated International Nurses Day by visiting the Derwent Centre, an inpatient unit for people with mental illness in Harlow on Monday 13 May 2019.

The nurses wanted to find out about what mental health services in the UK are like as part of their research with plans to develop mental health nursing in Mongolia.

They were given a guided tour of the Derwent Centre which is run by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT).

The Derwent Centre is a 32-bed inpatient unit, divided into male and female wards and provides treatment and care for people with acute mental illness.

The visitors were hosted by Natalie Hammond, Executive Nurse at EPUT and Professor Fiona Nolan, Honorary Deputy Director of Nursing and Research at EPUT and the University of Essex.

Natalie Hammond said: “What a way to celebrate International Nurses Day and Mental Health Awareness Week! We had nurses come all the way from Mongolia to see how we provide mental health services here, so that they can replicate something similar at home. I‘m glad that our services could provide an inspiration to others and that’s speaks highly of the hard work and dedication of not only our nurses but all our staff who provide essential treatment for people with mental illness.” 

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