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Wearing a face mask on our wards or care homes update

Patients and visitors no longer need to wear face masks in our wards or care homes. We are also returning to pre-pandemic visiting arrangements, with important steps in place to help keep everyone safe.

Our staff are also no longer required to wear face masks in most settings, however there are some exceptions when they will still wear one to keep those around them safe.

If you would prefer to, you may continue to wear a face mask when visiting our services. And, if you would like our staff to wear a face mask while they are caring for you, you can request this.

We appreciate how important visits are to the wellbeing of our patients and residents. Visits to care homes and wards will now return to normal arrangements. If you are visiting a ward, please contact them beforehand.

You must not visit if you have any symptoms of COVID-19, diarrhoea or vomiting or are feeling unwell in order to help protect our patients, residents, and staff from COVID-19 and other infections. You should also not visit a care home until at least five days after you feel better.

Where a face-to-face visit cannot take place, our staff will support virtual visits.

During a ward closure due to an outbreak of COVID-19, visitors will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances.

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