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District Nursing


The district nursing service offers nursing support for housebound patients and their families to aid and support clinical needs in the patient’s own home.

The service is made up of qualified nurses and healthcare assistants. They have connections to primary care networks (PCN) to ensure the patient receives the appropriate care from the correct clinical service.

Service Information

District nursing is a nursing service for patients who are housebound in south east Essex providing and coordinating anticipatory & responsive nursing care to housebound patients using high level assessment skills to assess, diagnose and initiate treatments-including the prescribing and administration of medicines and keeping patients out of hospital. The service undertakes a holistic assessment of the patient in their own environment and plans care accordingly, referring patients to other services as appropriate. The needs of carers are addressed as part of the holistic assessment of the patient.

The care is delivered by registered nurses and support workers who have undertaken training, these nurses are aligned to two localities (Southend / Castle Point, Rayleigh & Rochford) and are managed by named modern matrons. The localities are then aligned to the local primary care networks

Contact us

Our service runs from 08:00 to 21:00 seven days a week.

Restricted to priority calls between 21:00 to 08:00.

Referral Information

People can be referred to the service by their GP or other multidisciplinary teams.

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