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Holly Wheelchair Service


Holly Wheelchair Service (West Essex) is responsible for the provision of wheelchairs and associated equipment to people registered with a West Essex GP.  We are based on the border of Essex and Hertfordshire in Bishop’s Stortford.

Service Information

The Wheelchair Service supply Manual Wheelchairs, Indoor Powered Wheelchairs, Indoor/Outdoor Powered Wheelchairs, Buggies and Pressure care cushions. These are supplied according to criteria.

Wheelchairs are only provided to people who have a long term condition which affects their mobility for a period of more than 6 months. The service is unable to provide equipment for short term provision, such as a broken leg.

For standard wheelchairs a face to face appointment is not always needed. The referral will be screened by an experienced member of the team who will allocate an appropriate wheelchair. The wheelchair will be delivered, demonstrated and set up by our contractor at your home. If there are any problems with your wheelchair please contact us. Cushions will only be supplied if this has been specified by the referrer and only where there is a risk of pressure injuries. General comfort cushion for wheelchairs can be purchased on the internet.

If you have a complex condition or specialist need for the wheelchair, a face to face assessment will be arranged. This will be with one of the Wheelchair Service  Physiotherapists or Occupational Therapists who are skilled in assessment for all types of wheelchairs and postural support for all ages. The assessment will centre on your clinical needs and requirements, always working closely with you and prioritising the things that matter to you.

Clinics are held at our base in Bishop’s Stortford where we have access to support from our skilled Technicians, a workshop and a range of assessment equipment for mobility and postural support needs.

We also provide a Specialist Seating Service for bespoke seating for the wheelchair in partnership with a contractor. This is for clients with more complex postural management needs.

All provision is NHS funded and there is no charge.

Where appropriate we operate a Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB) system which offers increased choice for our clients. The PWB offers opportunities for joint funding or independent purchase of EquipmentYou will be sent information about the PWB scheme when your appointment is booked.

If you need to arrange a repair of your wheelchair you will need to contact  our approved repair contractors, DGT.

Telephone: 01245 468834

Watch 'A beginner's guide to NHS wheelchairs' video series to help you with your wheelchair.
Part 1: The Parts of a Wheelchair
Part 2: Using a wheelchair
Part 3: Transportation
Part 4: Maintenance
Part 5: Your NHS wheelchair

Referral Information

The initial referral to the Wheelchair Service must come from a Registered Healthcare Professional such as your GP, District Nurse, OT or Physiotherapist.

Existing clients are welcome to contact the service directly if any problems arise.

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