Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapy Team accepts referrals for adults (18+) who have a health or medical condition that affects their ability to live independently at home and/or which significantly affects their quality of life.
Service Information
The Occupational Therapy Team works with patients in their own homes and addresses long and short term health needs. The aim of our service is to maximise independence in performing activities of daily living, to promote dignity and independence, prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital and support discharges.
Referral Information
Referrals from health and social care medical professionals via SystmOne or email.
Referral criteria:
- Patients must be 18 years or over
- If there is an identified need/risk to the patient and an OT assessment is required
- For bathing, when a patient has life limiting care needs, a Long Term Condition and/or neurological condition and bathing is required to promote quality of life, or where patient has a medical need to bathe
- To provide support and advice to formal/informal carers, where there is a critical need relating to manual handling issues and where there are acute health needs
- For manual handling, where there has been an acute flare up of a medical/health condition and patient and/or carer is at risk of injury
- For out of area hospital discharges to a patient’s home
- To manage the transition from residential home to their own home, for people CHC funded
- For complex, progressive, neurological conditions, including MND, PD and MS, from diagnosis
A patient may be experiencing difficulties in the following areas, or require:
- Toileting
- Transfers to/from bed and chair
- Using stairs
- Access in/out of home
- Mobility relating to maintaining independence in self-care and essential activities of daily living
- Feeding and drinking
- Personal care
- Maintaining quality of life
- A Life limiting condition Impacting on activities within the patient’s own home
- Meal preparation
- Posture management
- Access to environment including environmental controls