Virtual Wards
Virtual wards are a safe and efficient alternative to NHS hospital bedded care. Virtual wards monitor and provide treatment to patients in their own home, who would otherwise be in hospital receiving care. This includes either preventing avoidable admissions into the hospital or supporting early discharge out of the hospital. Virtual wards allow patients to get the care they need at home safely and conveniently, rather than being in hospital.
When communicating to patients and their families about ‘virtual wards’, we find it useful to explain that virtual wards does not mean people will be treated virtually, but that care will not be delivered within the hospital but is in person and in the patient’s home or place of residence.
The NHS is increasingly introducing virtual wards to support people at the place they call home, including care homes.
Just as in hospital, people on a virtual ward are cared for by a multi-disciplinary team who can provide a range of tests and treatments.
Patients are reviewed daily by the clinical team and the ‘ward round’ may involve a home visit or take place through video technology.
Patients can be cared for up to 14 days on our virtual wards.
Service Information
Respiratory Virtual Ward
The Respiratory Virtual Ward is for patients whose primary presenting condition is an exacerbation of an underlying respiratory disease which has previously been diagnosed. The Respiratory team have three wards:
- Mid Essex
- South East Essex
- South West Essex
The Respiratory Virtual Ward is contactable 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and 9am-3pm Saturday and Sunday via 07867 797 821.
Frailty Virtual Ward
The Frailty Virtual Ward is for adult patients with frailty or complex comorbidities, who may have an urgent care need or exacerbation of underlying long term condition (including dementia) and require hospital level care. The Frailty team have three wards:
Mid Frailty Virtual Ward: 0300 131 0111
South-East Frailty Virtual Ward: 0333 015 3481
South-West Frailty Virtual Ward: 0300 300 1944
Referral Information
There are two ways patients can be referred to the Respiratory Virtual Ward, either via their respiratory team/ GP or when they are already in a hospital ward/ emergency department:
There are two ways patients can be referred to the Frailty Virtual Ward, either transferred from the Urgent Community Response Teams who support patients in their own home for up to 48 hours or when they are already in a hospital ward/ emergency department.