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Eating Disorder Service User Network

Who we are

The Service User Network (SUN) is a community-based, support service which sits within the Eating Disorder Service

What we do

We want empower patients to take responsibility and be involved in their recovery journey by promoting choice and flexibility.

The network empowers those living with an eating disorder to take control of their recovery, with support from each other.

We facilitate support groups for loved ones of those with an eating disorder and a collaboration group where those with lived experience support us to shape and develop our services, and the care we deliver. Service users can access the network as regularly as they wish, they can attend any sessions, workshops or groups they feel will be beneficial or interesting to them and, most importantly, they can be involved in shaping and developing the eating disorder service.

Get involved

We strongly encourage co-production and involvement, and advocate for the service user voice being the strongest voice in making positive change to care, services and service user experiences.

SUN groups are not clinical or therapy groups. Care co-ordination, risk management plans and 1:1 support are not part of the SUN provision.


Expressions of interest, rather than referrals, are invited to reflect this. Attendees must live in Essex & 18+

Groups are not a substitute for clinical interventions. Please email :

Our support group

The aim of the support group is to bring together carers and loved ones of individuals living with an Eating Disorder. A welcoming environment for people to share their experiences, helpful resources, and to listen to one another.

As the group grows, we will identify what information is needed and feels important and therefore can draw of professional expertise, and invite speakers, organisations etc, to help access this information.
The Carer Support Group is open to anyone who is caring for a loved one who may have a formal diagnosis of an Eating Disorder or that may meet diagnostic criteria.

How to join the group

Please email to express an interest in joining this group.

The group will meet on Microsoft teams on the third Thursday of the month, 4pm to 5:30pm

Our aim is to provide a space where people who live in Essex that have either a formal diagnosis of an Eating Disorder or have disordered eating without a formal diagnosis can support each other through sharing lived and learned experience.

The groups will alternate biweekly with a blend of psychoeducational sessions and support sessions. A topic schedule has been designed so that Service Users can decide which sessions they wish to attend. The Psychoeducational sessions will be led by the ED SUN Manager or a respective ED lead.

How to join the group

Please email to express an interest in joining this group.

The group will meet on Microsoft teams Bi-Weekly at 10:00-11:30am. The final meeting will be 4 November 2024.

We are starting a new project as part of the SUN. This will involve a group of current and former service users who want to help improve the service. We will share our experiences to create positive changes. There will be different ways to get involved.

Some of the opportunities will include:

  • Taking part in the recruitment and training of staff.
  • Creating resources and awareness for Eating Disorders.
  • Co-facilitating training with the Eating Disorder Team.
  • Attending meetings with staff, commissioners and other local service user groups.
  • Joining project groups.
  • Contributing to service design.
    How to join the group

Please email to express an interest in joining this group.

The group will meet on Microsoft teams on the third Monday of the month at 1pm to 2.30pm.

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