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What can I bring with me?

It is important that you feel comfortable during your stay on the unit, however the unit is within a hospital site, and therefore we are required to uphold standards of health and safety and hygiene. Therefore, we would ask that you bring in a small amount of clothing (4-5 days’ worth). There are laundry facilities in the unit which young people have access to. We also have lockers where you can keep your valuables.

Items which may be restricted on an individual basis

  • Clothing with drawstring i.e. hoodies, tracksuit bottoms, pyjama bottoms.
  • Make up with plastic or breakable cases.

This list is not exhaustive but is a guideline for families and young people of appropriate, useful, and restricted items. The Nurse in Charge or security nurse on duty will be able to guide you further if you have questions about property being brought into the unit.

Information about money on the ward

While there is no need for money on the ward, the hospital is next to Rochford square where young people can visit shops whilst on leave from the hospital. We do not hold responsibility for any money that you bring into the ward and trust that you will be able to keep this safe. We are able to store up to £10 in our safe, if you require further money we can arrange for this to be looked after by the Hospital Welfare department.

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