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Clinical Attachment in

Clinical attachment helps international medical graduates (IMGs) to gain an overview of the processes and systems in the National Health Services (NHS) by observing a Consultant at work. It is primarily helpful for IMGs who have been working in their countries and are coming for the first time to work in NHS.   It will help boost your confidence and enhances your chance of passing relevant exams and obtaining a job within NHS.

 There is no fee required to undertake the attachment, however, we do require you to have undergraduate qualifications and to have obtained, or at least applied for, your PLAB examination.  You will also be required to have up to date inoculations/vaccinations and be able to provide evidence of this.

Clinical Attachments are usually for a period of between 4 weeks, but can be for a different period by mutual consent. You will be allocated a consultant who will supervise you during your placement with the Trust.

What you can do and use during your clinical observation is outlined below.

  • The role of a doctor on clinical observation without any type of GMC Registration is strictly that of an observer.  No clinical responsibilities may be undertaken.
  • You may attend ward rounds and outpatient sessions at the discretion of the consultant in charge, but you are not permitted to undertake clinical examination of patients.
  • A registered medical practitioner must continuously supervise any clinical observer.
  • You may speak to patients to obtain a clinical history, but you must not perform invasive procedures or advise on patient treatment.
  • Your status as a clinical observer and the reason for your presence must be explained to the patient. The patient’s prior informed consent must be obtained before the first occasion that you interview, or are present as an observer during the examination and treatment of a patient.
  • You should be readily identifiable as such by wearing an appropriate identification badge while working in a hospital or clinic as a clinical observer. This will be provided by the Trust.

Our training scheme offers opportunities to gain experience within a diverse range of Psychiatric specialties including General Adult, Addictions, Old age, Learning Disability, Forensic, Liaison, Perinatal, Crisis team, Psychiatric Intensive care units, Psychotherapy and Child and Adolescent services.  They cover both in-patient and community services.

Clinical attachments are available across Essex. They are based in and around areas such as Grays/Thurrock, Basildon, Southend, Harlow, Chelmsford, Colchester and Clacton.

We have active academic, research, clinical links with UCL, Norwich Medical School and Anglia Ruskin University and well-established links with local Postgraduate Medical Centres and acute hospitals.

The Medical Psychotherapy training is a department of 3 Consultant Medical Psychotherapist and several non-medical Psychotherapists. Training consist of a year’s core training post combining Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Medical Psychotherapy, allowing a valuable opportunity to gain an understanding of child and personality development and to work with complex patients over an extended time period. 

Trainees are encouraged to gain experience in a range of modalities including CBT, psychodynamic and group psychodynamic psychotherapy, family systemic therapy and mentalisation based therapy.  All trainees are well supported by Consultant Psychiatrists in Medical Psychotherapy to achieve psychotherapy competences.  

Forensic Psychiatry placements are within Brockfield House, a purpose built 88 bedded unit, where core trainees gain experience in low and medium secure settings and have the opportunity of partaking in gatekeeping-assessments in higher security settings.  

An in-house MRCPsych course is run and takes place weekly in Chelmsford at the Anglia Ruskin University campus. Core trainees approaching CASC examination participate in additional free CASC training within the Eastern region. Further formal teaching is provided at weekly Postgraduate teaching at every base site, where trainees are expected to participate in teaching sessions including critical appraisal, audit and case presentation. Weekly Balint group forms important training experience and core trainees attend for the duration of their training, along with GP and Foundation trainees. Weekly individual supervision with a clinical supervisor and regular meetings with an Educational Supervisor assist trainees in identifying and meeting their individual training needs.

Trainees are encouraged to actively participate in leadership and service improvement and a number of trainees have completed Quality Improvement Fellowships during core or higher training.  

If you would like to apply for a placement, please send your CV to Andrea Bedford, Post Grad Education Manager at   Please include:

  • Two referees from recent posts, either paid employment or voluntary work you have undertaken,
  • List of inoculations/vaccinations including Covid
  • Visa Status
  • PLAB 1 & 2 Results
  • GMC Registration status – this is a compulsory requirement
  • Certificate of Completion of Basic Training/Internship

Once we have received satisfactory references, a formal offer letter will be sent to you.

We would be delighted to speak to you further should you have any questions before applying or to arrange visits. Please contact Dr Abu Abraham, Clinical Tutor/Director of Medical Education at

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