Attention and Listening in the Classroom
This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development of attention and listening skills for pupils and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for either Primary or Secondary school audiences.
Visual Support in the Classroom
This course is appropriate to both Primary and Secondary school audiences. Providing visual support in the classroom can positively impact on a pupil’s engagement, behaviour, learning and social opportunities. This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence and lots of practical ideas for use in the classroom to support your pupils.
Concepts and Comprehension
This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development of comprehension skills for pupils, particularly concept knowledge and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for either Primary or Secondary school audiences.
Vocabulary Development
This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development of receptive and expressive vocabulary skills for pupils and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for either Primary or Secondary school audiences.
What about Grammar?
This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development of grammar skills for pupils and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for Primary school audiences.
Narrative Development
Being able to provide a narrative is very important for pupils to demonstrate their learning. This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development of narrative skills for pupils and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for either Primary or Secondary school audiences.
Speech sound Development and support in the classroom
This course is appropriate to both Primary and Secondary school audiences. Providing the correct support in the classroom for pupils with speech sound difficulties can positively impact on a pupil’s engagement, behaviour, learning and social opportunities. This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence and lots of practical ideas for use in the classroom to support your pupils.
Social use of Language support in school
Poor social use of language skills can make pupils increasingly vulnerable in their school environment and can often be misconstrued as poor behaviour. This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence in relation to the development pragmatic skills for pupils and how this can impact on a child in the classroom environment. The course can be provided for either Primary or Secondary school audiences.
Speech sound development and links with literacy
This course is appropriate to both Primary school audiences. Providing the correct support in the classroom for pupils with speech sound difficulties can positively impact on a pupil’s engagement, behaviour, learning and social opportunities. This course provides a background in relation to the theory and evidence and how this links with literacy development. Lots of practical ideas for use in the classroom to support your pupils are provided.
Specialist courses
We can offer specific courses which cover the theory and evidence base in relation to speech, language and communication development related to specific presentations and diagnoses. All the courses have practical advice and interactive teaching to help embed the information provided. The specialist courses can cover hearing impairment. Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Use of Alternative and Augmentative Communication systems, Stammering, Selective Mutism and Dyspraxia.