Volunteering at EPUT
Volunteers give up their time each and every week by befriending, feeding and reading to our patients. Our volunteers also work in gardens, shops, sit on committees and interview panels; in fact, there is very little that they do not do in their desire to help!
The role of the volunteer is very highly-valued and respected and it is inspiring to know that despite the harsh economic climate, the volunteers are still devoting their time towards making a difference. Indeed, their dedication and time is priceless; their commitment to improving patient care is invaluable. If you’re interested in volunteering please read our frequently asked questions or take a look at all our current volunteering roles.
If you're considering becoming a volunteer, watch our new video to see how your lived experience can make a difference.
Do you have two hours to spare and drive the change at the NHS? We have the role for you here!
We seek passionate and empathetic unpaid volunteers to join our team as Patient Experience Volunteers and help us collect patient feedback. You can play a vital role in helping us understand and improve the patient experience in our hospital/healthcare facilities.
You can volunteer at a 'preferred area' that fits your interest. The opportunity is available across multiple locations in Essex with flexible work hours: choose your hours/days from Monday – Friday 10:00-12:00 (2 hrs) or 14:00-16:00 (2 hrs).
Learn more and apply here https://bit.ly/3unxXTm
Contact us
Telephone: 01268 739839
Email: epunft.volunteers@nhs.net
Please return your completed application form by email or post:
Patient Experience & Volunteers Team
EPUT Head Office
The Lodge
Lodge Approach
Essex SS11 7XX
Volunteer video