- Neuro-Developmental Clinics
- Paediatric Developmental Clinics.
- Multi-disciplinary Assessment for children and Young People with Social Communication difficulties (includes assessment by Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Clinical Psychologist and involvement of the child’s nursery).
- Neuro-Disability Clinics
- Referrals to clinicians, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Support Services as appropriate.
- We have very close links with the wider multidisciplinary team including professionals from health, early help, education, social care and the voluntary sector. More complex children may have a large team around them requiring a “team around the child” approach.
- Medical investigations where appropriate and liaison with other paediatric services.
- Paediatric Audiology
- ADHD Clinical Nurses
- Specialist Health Visitor with Additional Needs/Behaviour and Play
- Special School Nurses and Epilepsy
- Toy Library
- Sensory Stimulation (including Sensory Garden)
- Children with Disabilities Social Care Team
GPs asked to opt out of Share Care Agreement
In Essex, the Local Medical Council asked GPs to opt out from Shared Care Agreement for prescribing ADHD medication. For more information please visit Mid and South Essex ICS website.
The Lighthouse Child Development Centre
The Lighthouse Child Development Centre offers services for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years who have neurodevelopmental and neurodisability disorders. It provides a comprehensive assessment service that identifies, investigates and assesses their development needs and offers appropriate support, intervention and advice.
The centre also offers specialist services for children's occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. We provide assessments and treatment for children and young people who have, or are at risk of having:
- speech, language or communication difficulties
- musculoskeletal problems
- physical disabilities
- learning disabilities
- co-ordination difficulties
- emotional or behavioural difficulties
- acute or chronic illness
We see children when parents or professionals have concerns about a child’s development and/or a child shows challenging behaviour.
Our goal is to support families to help their children reach their potential and be the best version of themselves!
Service Information
Waiting for your child’s assessment
We are working hard to reduce our waiting lists to see children referred to our services as quickly as possible.
The waiting list for assessments for autism are currently around 12 months. The waiting time for an assessment or ADHD is currently around 14 months. However, this can depend on individual requirements.
Ensure your details are up to date
Whilst you are waiting it is very important that you let us know if you change your address or if you change your GP by emailing the admin team on epunft.lighthouse.asd@nhs.net or epunft.lighthouse.adhd@nhs.net or by calling 07581 053693.
Support available while you are waiting
We offer autism and ADHD workshops in venues in Southend and Essex. Your child does not need to have received a diagnosis in order for you to attend these sessions. These workshops provide help and advice to carers and families in supporting children with behaviour challenges, or a diagnosis of autism or ADHD. More information is on our website.
Resources and information which may be helpful while your child is awaiting their assessment, as well as details of local organisations who can provide support, can also be found on our website.
You can also discuss your concerns with your child’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) at your child’s school or educational setting. You should discuss any provision currently in place and consider any changes required.
Referral Information
Referrals are accepted from the following healthcare providers:
- GP's
- School Nurses
- Health Visitors
- Speech Therapists
The Child Development Centre accepts referrals for Children under 5 years who have:
- Neuro-developmental (Behaviour & social communication concerns and/or possible autism)
- and Neuro-disability
- Motor difficulties
- Developmental concerns including global delay, motor, language, visual or severe hearing impairment
- Learning difficulties
- Neurological concerns, Downs Syndrome, cerebral palsy or other syndromes / genetic conditions
Referrals for Children over 5 years is accepted from the following Healthcare Providers:
- GP’s
- School Nurses, Essex (Castle Point and Rochford)
Resources for parents and carers
There are a wide range of local, national and international resources available for parents and carers who are supporting a child or young person with neurodevelopmental needs. You can find these on our resources for parents and carers page.