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Neurodevelopmental pathway referrals

How to make a referral

For the community paediatrics team to consider a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD),attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or tics/Tourette's, only schools, GPs and other professionals are permitted to make a referral. 

If you are a parent or carer concerned about your child's neurodevelopment, please speak to your GP, SENDCO or other professional. You can find more information about the pathway for parents and carers via the link below: 

The referral must be started by an education or health professional using the initial referral form below. If the child is accepted onto an assessment pathway, their parent/carer and school will need to submit further information for ADHD/Tics and Tourette's/ASD assessment as outlined below. 

The referrer is responsible for ensuring all required forms are completed in full and submitted. Referrals cannot be processed if information is incomplete or missing. 

What to do if the child's mental health deteriorates

If there is a deterioration in the young person’s mental health while waiting for their assessment, please see the Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) CAMHS website for advice and information about mental health services:

You can also call 0800 953 0222 to speak to someone from the SET CAMHS team of healthcare professionals.

Consent and confidentiality

It is very important to us that confidentiality and consent are respected at all times. Please ensure that consent is obtained from the child’s parent/carer prior to submitting the referral – you can state that consent has been obtained on the form.

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