Children's asthma friendly schools programme (AFS)
Importance of asthma friendly schools (AFS) programme
How to achieve your asthma friendly school accreditation
In children, asthma is a common long-term medical condition that can be fatal without the right treatment.
The Children's Asthma & Allergy team are supporting schools in mid and south Essex locality to achieve Asthma Friendly Schools accreditation.
Schools will soon be contacted and supported to become “Asthma Friendly”, which requires meeting 5 criteria:
Standard 1 |
Schools require an Asthma Policy and an Asthma Champion in place for children with asthma. |
Standard 2 |
Schools require an up to date Asthma Register noting the details of all children with asthma. |
Standard 3 |
Schools require Emergency asthma kits and Procedures detailing how and when to use them. |
Standard 4 |
Schools require Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) for each child/young person with asthma and are required to record use of students medications, students who self-manage, storage of inhalers/spacers. |
Standard 5 |
Schools require 85% of staff to have completed the Asthma Friendly School Training. |
For more information or enquiries regarding the AFS programme please contact the service on 0344 257 3955 or by email,
Contact us
Telephone: 0344 257 3955
Downloadable templates
Asthma School Friendly downloadable stickers